yesterday was good. spent hours playing basketball with people say..10 years older than me at NUS. Was really tired after that but felt that it wsas a good way to spend my holiday.
The sweetest thing just happened. A little parcel tied to a balloon came floating by my window..i opened was a v day gift from grace. the balloon was filled with stars , and you know how much i want stars to fall. i'm still a little stunned by it as i totally did not see it coming.
I feel awed by God..His creation , love and grace. I spent the last night looking at stars with Brian and Grace. I was thinking of the future. Found out that most of us want to get married young. Ahh..that day..the day u walk down that isle.You would say its a little far off but i'm just a dreamer..pretty sweet thought ain't it ?
i look around and everyone's just startin to get into girls. Been hearing alot bout how star-struck people are and stuff..raging hormones..raging hormones