everything is plastic. The voices..they keep saying that. Belligerent little ones...planting seeds of depression in me. Everything is meaningless is what they always say. These thoughts occur in a vicious circle that perpetuates existing problems. Which is why i think , life is full of ups and downs. Why do we take the dark path even though we know that what lies ahead is nothing but death ?
temptation ? There are many things in life which we know does us harm but still we indulge ourselves in it..maybe the devil has really good advertising skills. hmm..think about it...if i hand you a bottle of poison..the first thing u'll do is to chuck it away...but why isn't that the case with the bad things in life which is the same thing as poison..death. Well you might say that the person who falls isn't culpable as we humans have sinful desires but still...why can't we just...put it awayyy. It seems so..indomitable.
Somehow the thought of God and all, encapsulates these worldly values...but i still feel lost. Caught between intricate lines and being tossed around. I'm just stuck in a huge hole i dug myself. But funny thing is , i start to appreciate things more when i'm in this hole..start to appreciate people and things i normally would not give half a rats ass about...I hope this is just a phase..and it'll wear off soon
i really wanna go to school. Feel like i'm rotting..my brain functions really slowly..i took 30mins to finish a math sum..i'm worried...
oh please....don't extend the "holiday".......... and oh..which powerpuff girl are you ?