Meet The Folks
I come from a dysfunctional family. My mother, wants to go to zouk with me. I have no idea what to do. My father, well..Pulled off a legendary act today worthy of a place in David Tan's hall of shame. Today was my parents 22nd anniversary. So my mom, all excited began suggesting all the posh restaurants she could think off. That left me quite satisfied of course knowing that I would at least end off the break with a good meal, but no..Heroic dad comes in and says.. "Hey forget about the dinner..Why not we just order kfc and stay home to watch TV" My initial reaction was "What the hell is that?!" Non-romantic. And me, guess what I bought my mom. I bought her the most ridiculous gift anyone could buy. Expensive, and useless. I spent 34 bucks on a tea-bag squisher. Wow. I must have hit my head really hard when I was young. Thing is, mom liked it. Bizarre.