Saturday, March 19, 2005

Meet The Folks
I come from a dysfunctional family. My mother, wants to go to zouk with me. I have no idea what to do. My father, well..Pulled off a legendary act today worthy of a place in David Tan's hall of shame. Today was my parents 22nd anniversary. So my mom, all excited began suggesting all the posh restaurants she could think off. That left me quite satisfied of course knowing that I would at least end off the break with a good meal, but no..Heroic dad comes in and says.. "Hey forget about the dinner..Why not we just order kfc and stay home to watch TV" My initial reaction was "What the hell is that?!" Non-romantic. And me, guess what I bought my mom. I bought her the most ridiculous gift anyone could buy. Expensive, and useless. I spent 34 bucks on a tea-bag squisher. Wow. I must have hit my head really hard when I was young. Thing is, mom liked it. Bizarre.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Did you know..An ant's sense of smell is stronger than a dog's ?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I'm having the blogger's block again...You know it comes and goes.. So I tried my old stand-by trick: if-I-write-my-post-then-I-will-reward-myself-with-[insert reward-type-item-usually-food-related here]. But no. My last 4 days have been so packed and there are plenty of things to write about..But I just can't get it out in proper sentences. So I went surfing around for inspiration and came across this: The Topics Blog which offered bloggers something to blog about in an attempt to 'squash the plague of writer's block devouring a vast portion of the web community'. So here goes.
  • Do you celebrate pancake day? Does it have any religious relevance to you? What is the perfect pancake topping? <- err guys...what the hell is pancake day.
  • In relationships, do you tend to do the chasing, or get chased? Is effort evenly distributed, or does one person hold everything together? Do you have a tendency to fight a lot, or do you keep the screaming to a minimum? <- i've not been in that many to judge.
  • How did you find out what sex was? <- ahh now we're talking. This one has potential.

I remember it was in primary 4 when we got curious about the additional functions of our private parts. It was mainly sparked off by chapter nine in our science textbook- The body system or something of that ilk. There were numerous drawings of naked people that we began to ask funny questions. But well after all the arguments about the actual process...I eventually found out what it was through the internet. Yes I shall not further expound on this topic. But please do share your 'eureka' experiences and your path to knowledge. I would be very interested to know. -wink