Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I've been around lately and people often question if what I'm going through is psychological. To be honest, it agitates me a little as it not only trivializes my experience, it also degrades me to a position far less than stupid. Especially people who do not have the slightest idea what I'm going through and yet act like depression being psychological is such a 'duh' thing that I should have realised it donkey years before it even happened. Do not get me wrong, I do not mind people sincerely questioning the effectiveness of my medication. But it is the shameless condescending fashion in which people demand a response as if the whole thing's due to my mind being highly imaginative in nature. Bullocks I say! Bullocks!
I'm finally feeling better after spending 2 days in bed doing nothing but sleeping and watching DVD's....SEE! The effectiveness of medication! Isn't there the slightest bit of rationality there? When you are sick, you take your medicine and you get better. Same thing with depression! Why am I harping on this. Because it irks me that people often overlook the psysical aspect of such an illness.
Oh a brighter note, I finally have the router working which means I no longer have to fight with my sister for the computer. What a time...When I made a promise to myself that I'll start reading up having not studied or done anything productive in months..But I can't start. Dammit. Picking up my history book not counting the times I spend in the toilet is such a pain. And Christmas is coming! : / help.

Quote:" hey..Guess what. We spent 5 hours in the arcade. " "WHAT!?"

Sunday, December 19, 2004

I've spent the last two days in bed. Hven't had a meal since. I constantly feel like vomitting and even sitting up straight's a pain. I can't stop coughing and my head feels horrible. What is wrong with me?

Quote: "I think i'm going to die."