Saturday, March 12, 2005

Liars Burn In Hell
Met up with a few old friends over the weekend and we were reminiscing the good old days where we were just a bunch of brats kicking a tennis ball around thinking we some soccer superstars. One thing in common I noted..That when we were young, all of us were liars. It was hard to tell if we were good ones or not as most of us stirred up intricate, convoluted stories that took their birth more from our whirling, over-productive imagination than a desire to deceive anyone. And when someone would say the all-so dreaded phrase Liar Liar Pants On Fire, we would never back down. We would never possess the grace to admit that maybe..Just maybe our hardly believable stories are all in our head. Well here's some interesting ones.

  • T used to tell us how he caught an alligator with his bare hands. ->Clearly watching too much TV here.
  • S used to live near a hotel made mostly of glass and he told us he shot a hole through it using his supersoaker4000. I believed him then. haha
  • M told us how he scored a goal from the halfway line. Many times.-> Our legs were how puny. Kicking the ball 5 meters was already an effort. But nonetheless, we all believed him.
  • Then there was L. Who had countless stories about how he beat his dad up.
  • I used to tell my friends how I had this gel that would make me invisible when I applied it to my skin. Sigh I was into marvel at that time.

The things that came out of our mouths sometimes amused ourselves more than anybody else. Then came a time where everyone got smarter. Oh wait. No we were always stupid. Then came a time where everyone stopped lying. Or rather stopped telling big whopper lies. Maybe there was a Sunday school lesson about lying that week. Or we simply lost our creative, imaginative spark. The switch came when my friend in primary school told the teacher he got run over by a truck the day before in an attempt to explain his undone homework. However, the teacher, seeing not a scratch on him, gave him the biggest scolding I can remember. Haha Now its changed. Liars burn in hell now.

Ps. Some of you people may have noticed my recent obsession with animal facts. Well I stumbled upon this one yesterday and it really sounds like a lie a 7 year old would say. "Did you know, that termites eat wood 2 times faster when listening to rock music?" Fact? -_-

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Throw Away Your Television
I spoke with a friend who is in the US at the moment in hope of finding out the outcome of the CSI episode I missed. But he tells me that he's in the midst of something called 'Turn Off The TV Week' where their community attempts to bring families closer together. Think about it, it looks all good on the outside...Families would now be able to gather in love and unity and engage in familial conversations about relationships, the baby Jesus and the meaning of life. My friend claims its quite an 'old school' thing they don't have in many states now but his parents being traditional never fail to pull the plug whenever he goes into a fit being deprived of episodes of Joey , CSI and Desperate Housewives. I feel his pain. If this was introduced in Singapore, nobody would give half a rats ass since people are already as 'bochap' as they are. But I think times are changing and for something like that to work...It would probably have to be 'Turn Off Broadband Week' or 'No Handphone Signal week' which I bet would cause the biggest riot in the history of Singapore. Okay I feel like I'm doing an AQ. I shall stop.
School went better than expected as I resorted to eating pills and amazingly I went through the entire day without saying the word die. Unfortunately, good things never last in my life and I'm down with diarrhea. Smile.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Don't you love it when an entire blog entry forms in your head in the midst of all the angst and you simply forget it when you get home all hyped and ready? As I sat down asking God why he had put me through this horrible training session, I had so much to say. But now, even words fail me.
I had an awful day. I failed econs. And the realisation that unlike in the movies, you can't have everything you ask for hit home.