I feel horrible every morning. Or rather afternoon. Its the forth day in a row I've been waking up at 1pm. I feel stuck to my bed like a piece of chewing gum at the bottom of somebody's shoe.
I think this awful uncomfortable feeling is what's causing my insomnia as it makes me loathe sleeping at night..Too afraid of how I feel in the morning, it reinforces my desire to fall asleep and never wake up. Anyway, this afternoon, I woke up with sore eyes. I could barely open my left eye. So my mom brought me to see a doctor who in the end prescribed me with more pills. Wassup with me and pills lately I don't know. After that I lay in bed and slept for 4 hours.
I realised in my sleep that how incredibly peaceful - (and boring I might add) my life has become. I come from a group of friends where no one ever hesitates to vent whatever petty grievances they might have and its like living in a war-zone. Every lunch break and outing, I am often amazed at the things my friends have no qualms saying about each other. For instance, someone will join their table in the void deck and another will blurt out 'Hey your hair sucks.'
Its not like he's asked for an opinion of his hair or anything but that's the way it is.
The whole concept of 'who asked you' never existed and for some reason everyone assumes that they'd have to live with it no matter what. Sorry. I'm finally beginning to realise how difficult it is to blog without offending anyone.
Quote:" B A H "