Saturday, January 07, 2006

Iwant to go away. Away to a place far and exotic where worries simply do not exist. Where the limits of time and responsibility, tasks and aims bound I no one. I'm tired of living my life struggling against the notion of idleness and its horrid implications. I want to do nothing. Just sit back and take in the air knowing full well the freedom to do whatever whenever exists.
I've made plans to return to Tibet (Yes, that's where the above pictures are from) sometime in march. I need to make plans..occupy myself. I can feel sadness building up...again.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

'Someone once said; 'Its the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time. Me...I just wanna live a life Im gonna remember. Even if I dont write it down.'

I feel in the past month or so nothing really significant has happened. No life-changing experience or anything i can be proud of really... Its just the pleasure of having time as interminable and ceaseless that's planting a seed of idleness in me. Well i made aims to do crazy stuff, learn new things, pick up new skills etc. Because i won't ever have such time. So here's my list.

  • Learn diving
  • Complete driving
  • Learn a new language
  • Learn how to cook
  • Find a job
  • Learn a new instrument
  • Surfing

OIay i can't expect to tick off everything...But i aim to at least achieve most of it. Anyway, i still have my IC to settle which is going to cost a bomb. I foresee myself drifting and eventually losing the precious 4 months..Sigh.

I want to live a life i'm gonna remember.