On the way to training today, I had a good chat with the cab driver who surprisingly was quite efficient in his spoken English. Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning all you cab drivers out there..But I've had far too many conversations in Chinese with cab drivers that this one was refreshing. We debated on the importance of education in Singapore. He adopted a rather conventional point of view and just for the fun of it..I took an even more traditional stance.
I argued that education is useless. Why go all the way to university when I can simply work in my father's bicycle shop. He got quite frustrated with me and honestly thought I was quite retarded. But well..Good thing is...He gave me a discount at the end!
Chinese New Year is coming and I'm sick. Down with fever and all. What made it worse..Was that I couldn resist the temptation of the stupid arcade. So feeling dizzy and groggy, I somehow managed to convince myself that playing a video game would make me feel better. Well it did not. By the time I reached home, I was fainting on my mothers bed.
Grr. I can't feel sick! I have a test on Monday ! *wink