Birthday Boy
What happened last night, was a little hard to digest. One moment I'm dealing with an angry Fiona, the desire to start on my undone homework and thoughts of sleep and the next, I'm seeing The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Storm, and the Beast all at my place. Not to mention Mouth going crazy meeting Michael Jackson. The surprise was great. To be honest, I suspected something fishy was going on but even so, I thought it'll happen on Tuesday. So thanks (Joshua,Fiona,Grace,Turtle,Kaiting,Tzehow,Joel,Mouth,Ashley,Darius,Jessica,Ian,Kenny,Hanwei,Bobo,Prav,Ale,mom,dad and ed) for coming. Ah hope I dint miss anyone out.
Anyway, last night got me thinking about my 19th birthday. Nineteen should be when you think- 'These are my golden years, these are my salad days, the best is yet to come - and all that old crap.' It is a time when you are still young enough to party but old enough to drive a car. All the uncertainties and poverty of pre and post secondary school life are finally over. No longer having to worry too much about pleasing mom and dad who under some spell believe that being 19 is old enough. 19 should be a good birthday. I should say one of the best. So how should I be celebrating this precious last year in my teens? With a circle of good old friends laughing at some bar reminiscing all the scandals we had *coughinduz3cough when we were younger? *cough againbakecake cough Or maybe with that someone special in a fancy romantic restaurant sipping glasses of wine while listening to classical music. I believe all of these ways are good. But even now as I think of the 19th of April, all my images of birthday celebrations seem to be derived from some book or movie where everyone hides behind the couch and waits for the birthday boy to come home. The lights then flicker and everyone yells 'Surprise!' or even a blank birthday where nothing happens and all you get are a few SMSes and cards telling you what a great guy you've been. But you see, that was my problem. When I think of turning 19, I really think of somebody else's life.
That's what nineteen should be. Growing up without expectations knowing full well what the future holds. Having lived your life without regrets, Settled without feeling complacent and wise enough to know whats right but at the same time stupid enough not to do it. Nineteen feels different. Its a year which holds new boundaries and hence a larger responsibility. But whatever it is, all I really want from Mr Nineteen, is that I live the year not for my parents or myself. Or the dreadful 'A' Levels, but...for God. Cheers.