Saturday, March 25, 2006

My pickup lines. I decided to test their effectiveness on the grouch (see above).

"Hi grouch. Would you like a raisin?"
" about a date?"

Outcome: Rolling eyes.

"hi grouch. How much do you weigh?"
"oh because i want to pick you up"

Ps. I never got to the punch line. She punched me right after the WHY.

"Hi grouch. Are you greek?"
"i thought all goddesses were greek."

Outcome: Finally! a smile!

"hi grouch. Are you tired?"
"not really.."
"oh you must've been running through my mind alot"


"Grouch! i need a map."
"why don't be stupid"
"i think i got lost in your eyes"

okay i admit that was bad. running out. i gave up there. haha